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Videos For Change at Fed Square

Videos for Change

This is a past event


20 October 2019 - 27 October 2019
12pm - 2pm Daily
5pm - 7pm


Main Square

Videos for Change – Changing hearts and minds across the world

Videos for Change empowers young people to create, be heard and lead social change. By creating one-minute videos about social issues they feel passionate about, students raise awareness and start conversations which can spark change across the world.

Teenagers across Australia have entered thought-provoking and inspiring videos into this year’s competition, on a wide range of issues, from racism and bullying to plastic pollution and human trafficking. These have been narrowed down to just 20 finalists, who are now in the running to win the 2019 Videos for Change People’s Choice Award – and you can help decide which team wins the prize.

You’ve got until 27 October to vote!

Watch the videos and vote for your favourite online at www.videosforchange.org/vote

Just by voting, you’ll also go in the draw to win one of twenty $100 Platypus gift vouchers. You can also watch the videos on our big screen at Fed Square from 20 – 27 October.

Please help to spread awareness about these videos by telling your friends and family and sharing on social media. Let’s support the next generation of leaders and show them that their voices matter.