The Melbourne Japanese Summer Festival (MJSF) is a cultural festival that highlights thevery best of Japanese culture across a range of areas including food, music, art, anddance. As an all-inclusive, free event, MJSF is more than just an event to showcaseJapanese culture, but also an interactive festival which mirrors the traditional JapaneseObon festival, where families give thanks to their ancestors. At the Melbourne festival,all visitors are encouraged to learn and join in the dance as well as participate in manyother traditional activities.
“Bon Odori” will be highlighted at the festival, which is a dance performed in a circlewhilst wearing cotton kimonos (called yukata). There will be a range of performances,including taiko drumming, martial arts performances, modern Japanese dances and music andso on. A wide array of stalls selling traditional Japanese food (okonomiyaki and yakitori,for example) and drinks have attracted numerous customers every year.
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