On Saturday, 10 October Australians touched by blood cancer will come together with their loved ones as part of the official lantern lighting ceremony which will be brought to life via video stream.
The lighting of lanterns symbolises the hope we share for a future free of blood cancer and the support of a community that understands the darkness blood cancer brings to our lives.
Each lantern colour holds a special meaning – White symbolises your own blood cancer journey, Gold symbolises a loved one lost to blood cancer and Blue symbolises your support for those affected by blood cancer.
Sign up now and join us as part of the virtual lantern lighting ceremony. Every dollar raised will help further life-saving medical research and provide support for families facing blood cancer.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/LeukaemiaFoundationLightTheNight
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lightthenightau/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/leukaemia-foundation/