Join us at Fed Square for a super special live event and multimedia showcase that celebrates women’s stories – up on the main stage and on the Big Screen.
And folks, what a lineup!
You’ll see the Djirri Djirri Wurundjeri Women’s Dance group perform, and hear from Katie Sfetkidis – the artist behind the Feminist Poster Project.
You’ll hear from other notable women including Rochelle Humphrey, producer of Wurundjeri Baggarrook: a film exploring the journey of a group of Wurundjeri women – including Elders Aunty Diane Kerr and Aunty Irene Morris, as well as Mandy Nicholson of the Wurundjeri-willam clan – to bring back ancient ceremonial practices that were outlawed more than 185 ago.
There will also be a screening of Wurundjeri Baggarrook, as well as some other great screen content including:
Join us at Fed Square and make a commitment to #choosetochallenge gender bias and inequality – because it takes all of us to make a change!