Appearing on the Main Stage, Father Bob’s We Need a Little Christmas Variety Show promises a non-stop, fast-paced overload of Christmas spirit and entertainment. The show will feature a set of Melbourne’s best comedians, acrobats, singers and dancers such as performer Tim Campbell and stand-up comedian Simon Taylor, and will be opened by Melbourne’s very own Santa incarnate, Father Bob Maguire.
Children, teenagers, families, parents and grandparents, everyone is welcome! Strap in for a performance of sound, colour and excitement. Each show will conclude with Santa handing out toys and gifts to children in the audience.
‘My philosophy has always been about bringing the community of Melbourne together and what better time to do this than now as Melbourne re-opens. Having been through the world’s longest lockdown, Melbournians need encouragement, joy and some time to share and celebrate with one another this Christmas.’ Father Bob says. ‘Families can add this to their list of destinations for the day. City workers and passers-by are all welcome! It’s proudly supported by the City of Melbourne and Fed Square, as part of the Melbourne’s Christmas Festival 2021. It’s an event not to be missed this Christmas, come along and join in.’
Find out more about the Father Bob Maguire Foundation here: