Celebrate Christmas in Australia with an animated Australian Christmas story on the Big Screen by artist Beci Orpin. Select performances will feature live choral accompaniment.
Melbourne-based artist, designer, author and maker Beci Orpin’s original animated Christmas film A Christmas Tale was commissioned by Fed Square and the City of Melbourne in 2018. This festive season you can catch it on our Big Screen, where it will be screening it on select evenings leading up until Christmas.
A Christmas Tale is a film created by Melbourne studio General Strike in collaboration with artist and illustrator Beci Orpin. The 10-minute animation brings to life a playful fusion of Australian Christmas scenes and characters in her colourful, graphic and dream-like style.
From a wintery European tradition to Aussie summer holidays at the beach, viewers will see whimsical moments of Australia’s unique fauna and flora, including flying possums, dropping spiders and the distinctive crimson and black of Sturt’s Desert Peas.
Live choral accompaniment:
During select screenings, there will be live choral accompaniment for A Christmas Tale, presented as part of Fed Square’s Christmas Choirs program.
Friday 24 November
7pm Melb Mass Choir Performance to Beci Orpin’s a Christmas Tale #1
8.20pm Melb Mass Choir Performance to Beci Orpin’s Christmas Tale #2
Saturday 25 November
8pm Melb Mass Choir Performance to Beci Orpin’s a Christmas Tale Performance #1
8.30pm Melb Mass Choir Performance to Beci Orpin’s a Christmas Tale Performance #2
Sunday 26 November
8pm Yarra Voices Performance to Beci Orpin’s a Christmas Tale Performance #1
8.30pm Yarra Voices Choir Performance to Beci Orpin’s a Christmas Tale Performance #2
Screen schedule:
27-30 November
8pm, 8.20pm & 8.40pm
1-3 December
4-6 December
8pm, 8.20pm & 8.40pm
8 December
8pm, 8.20pm & 8.40pm
9 December
10 December
8pm, 8.20pm & 8.40pm
15-17 December
18-21 December
8pm, 8.20pm & 8.40pm
22-24 December
A Christmas Tale is presented by Fed Square partnership with General Strike.